Penny Hunter

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Understanding your timing and motives

The right action at the right time with the right motivation is ... right.

But the right action at the wrong time. Or the right action with the wrong motivation can be harmful or misinterpreted.

Good tiimng and pure motivation require maturity, discernment and humility. Do you do things prematurely because you lack patience? Do you do things to bring more attention or praise to yourself rather than considering the broader impact? Do you do things because you simply 'want to' without considering how it will be received, or if the timing is right? Often in my consulting I work with entrepreneurs who are discouraged, sometimes that comes from a frustration about things not happening quickly enough. Or, they feel misunderstood because they push too hard to make something happen and the timing just isn’t right.  People view them as pushy or users.

Take a breath. Get some good counsel. Is what you’re pursuing good? Is it the right time? Are you doing it for the right reasons?

(Photo: Munich’s famous Rathaus-Glockenspiel Taken after a long and disturbing day at Dachau.)