

i’d love to serve at your event

I‘ve spent much of my adult life helping make other people successful. As a consultant, a mom, a friend and a mentor, I have helped people achieve dreams, build brands, and unearth their own creativity. I have the privilege of walking alongside some amazing people and I am honored that they’ve allowed me to share their piece of dirt, their journey.

I have built my life upon connection and relationship. My greatest joy comes from helping connect people to others, and to connect them to good ideas, good products, and good causes. And in some way, to help them reach further and accomplish more and be more fulfilled in the process.

I speak to corporate executives, Board of Directors, conferences and leadership groups.


  • Storytelling

  • Leadership

  • The unique challenges facing women in the workplace

  • Marketing

  • The creative process

  • Execution on good ideas

  • Branding

  • Building a corporate culture

  • Mentoring